Thanks, Entropy

I learned about this enzyme in Biochemistry class, and in a weird way, it makes me feel better to know that organisms, including people, literally thrive on randomness. The universe tends towards entropy, so we’ll have plenty of time to get used to chaos.

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Isabella ReacherComment
Photo Friday #74

I have always loved sunsets. The way the sun slowly melts into the horizon, spreading a variety of orange, pink, blue, purple colors throughout the sky with a slightly different pallet each time, has always made me happy. In the hustle of daily life, we (specifically me) often forget how beautiful and peaceful the nature around us is and how it’s practically begging to be appreciated. Since I haven’t been appreciating nature enough lately, I am trying to go on daily walks around the neighborhood to get some fresh air and catch a couple of Ann Arbor sunsets before it is on to the next sunset in a new place!

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Ashley BondComment
Photo Friday #73

These are the gals from Student Violence Prevention. I have been involved in their club for about a year and a half now. They have been the most supportive organization on campus, not only for me, but for all students. Their primary goal is to validate not only survivors of domestic violence, but is to provide validation to those who need it.

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Noah LarsonComment
Photo Friday #72

Today I’m sharing a clip of my favorite song performed live by my favorite band, from a bygone era when concerts were a consistent part of my life. Misguided Ghosts is not a song they play live often, so I remember feeling almost like the performance was meant for me. I feel so fortunate that I was there with my best friend because she managed to record this clip while I was way too busy crying over the fact that they were actually singing it live!! Concerts are definitely what I miss most during this social-distancing time, and I am holding out for the day I might just be able to see Paramore in person again.

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Kaylina SavelaComment
Photo Friday #71

My mom sent me a surprise food package via my dad for my birthday weekend, which as indicated by the festively decorated cookies coincides with Halloween. I was of course very grateful that she sent some healthy foods as I am still yet an “adult” successfully, and I certainly wasn’t doing any fresh produce shopping. Naturally, I was a lot more excited about the home-baked cookies, and yet though I knew it was my annual birthday treat, I almost immediately felt guilty in advance, concerned about the sheer amount and my self-control, worrying about my decreasingly healthy diet, and portioning off to friends. But the truth of the matter was that it had been a stressful week and busy weekend, and while my concerns were valid, the last thing I didn’t need was more stuff to be hard on myself about, and I knew that all those future cookies moment would make me smile.

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Alex WitkowskaComment
Photo Friday #70

Lately, I realized that I have been trying to push my feelings away when it comes to missing how life at U of M used to be. I get scared that if I think about it too much, I’ll get sad, and I want to avoid that as much as possible. Taking some time to look through my photos from my first two years of college reminds me that it’s okay to feel nostalgic and sad about how life used to be. This photo of me at the UMMA does make me a little sad because it reminds me of a time with no masks or social distancing, but that’s okay. I will be okay.

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Sara SmithComment
Photo Friday #69

Every night, at approximately 7 pm, the dinner bell rings throughout my house and my twenty housemates slowly make their way down to the dining room. Every night, I get to eat a delicious, homemade, vegetarian dinner surrounded by my lovely housemates, and no topics of discussion are off limits. This photo is a glimpse into my life and just some of the folks who make it so delightful.

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Molly EfrosComment
Photo Friday #68

I think that everyone needs a safe space. At my university, we have the “President’s Pond.” A somber, quiet place where students can go chill when they need a breather. Unfortunately during Christmas break, the fountains are shut off. I’ve heard that hearing the sound of trickling water is soothing - honestly, it is. During my lunch break, if I have free time, I always venture over there to read a book and watch the Canadian honkers paddle around. Just remember, while some of your friends may be partying or meeting up, or you don’t want to be around your toxic family just for a minute, all you really need is a place of solitude where you can spend time with yourself, some geese, and a good book.

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Noah LarsonComment
Photo Friday #66

In recognition of this semester’s print theme, “Home,” here is one of my favorite photos from the Big House back when I was a happy and carefree freshman without a clue of what was going on. I will be graduating this semester, and I will dearly miss all of the friendships and memories I have made at the greatest university in the world

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Ashley BondComment
Photo Friday #65

This video of my cat is one of my favorites because she is solely happy in this moment. She is surrounded by many of her favorite things: being outside, sunshine, and my dad. However, this video serves as a moment of learning for all of us as well.

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Liz HoornstraComment
Photo Friday #64

Dead trees and blue skies. Right now is such an interesting time to be alive. We are constantly bombarded with news, good and bad, and it's hard to process it all. With Thanksgiving break coming up, many of us are returning home indefinitely. This can feel bittersweet. Despite being excited to be with family more, we are once again stuck where we were before.

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Vaishnavi KattaComment
Photo Friday #63

Fog and mist are almost always associated with isolation and loneliness, a connection that seems especially stark now. But it can be beautiful as well—a fact that I was reminded of a few weeks ago on a particularly foggy night.

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Diane YuComment
Photo Friday #62

It’s important to eat when you are hungry and fuel yourself to be successful and happy! This is a salad I enjoyed while working on homework. It wasn’t lunch or dinner; it was simply a snack because I was hungry, and being well-nourished gave me the energy to manage the stress of midterms! I also treated myself with some apple juice because I know I like it. Remember to take time to eat and take care of yourselves during this stressful time!

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Allison WilliamsComment
Photo Friday #61

This is the view out of my building and every time I see the changing leaves in the sunlight it just makes me really happy. My roommate and I were upset because no picture ever did it justice to how pretty it is, but then one night because of the sunset it actually took an accurate picture. It also just looks beautiful how much of Ann Arbor you can see from this high up and how you can really just see treetops, not buildings.

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Nicole CorrunkerComment
Photo Friday #60

I thought I would set aside today for some puppy appreciation. This is Finnigan, my family’s White German Shepherd and my best friend. This picture is from a recent visit to my grandparents’ farm, where Finn was over the moon to be able to “help” with the chores.

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Kaylina SavelaComment
Photo Friday #59

This photo was taken of the sunset on my friend’s lake as we put too many people on a paddle boat, just to get the perfect view. Sometimes just getting a new perspective and spending time with friends can completely change your attitude for the better. Plus it’s hard to beat the Upper Peninsula sunsets.

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Nicole CorrunkerComment
Photo Friday #58

My friends and I heard about a drive-in socially-distanced Quinn XCII concert two weeks ago and decided to make a 6 hour round trip and get out of town for a bit. But was the best decision I could have made, and it reminded me of the importance of taking time to do what’s best for YOU mentally even if it takes away from studying or work.

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Katie GoodComment
Photo Friday #57

Last weekend was a series of firsts for me: first time camping, first time going to a dark sky park, first time going up to the Upper Peninsula—the list goes on. The novelty of it all was shocking—having spent the entire summer more or less cooped up inside, I’d forgotten how nice it was to be out and about (in the most socially distant way possible).

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Diane YuComment
Photo Friday #56

Sometimes it's just nice to look at an aesthetically pleasing picture. Hopefully, this counts as one. I shall call it Lights and Rain on a Street with Cars and Reflections in the Winter in Vancouver. Stay healthy everyone, and we got this!

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Sydney KimComment