Faith G. Harper

Last year, when I was in my third week of quarantine, I noticed something needed to change. I had reverted back to my highschool phase. Jobless, my binge eating was at an all-time high, I played video games anywhere from 12-16 hours a day, and I went to bed at 8 am and often woke up after 4 pm. I was miserable. Before the pandemic began, I had promised myself that I would eventually buy a book about anxiety in the hopes that I would unlock a floodgate into the world of mental health. On a Saturday afternoon, I literally googled books on anxiety and after searching around Amazon, I saw a little book called This is Your Brain on Anxiety

Faith G. Harper is a therapist who was in a similar boat as me and wanted to indirectly voice her opinion on the coldness of therapy and psychology. Harper is a licensed therapist in St. Austin, Texas who specializes in trauma recovery. That being said, her books and zines fall into the niche genre of self-therapy and have redefined the genre of relatable psychology if not indicated by her love for the word f*ck. Unsuspectly, when the pandemic began, schmoes like myself flocked to her work, and her popularity grew over the summer. 

Books such as Unf*ck your Boundaries, Unf*ck your Anger, Unf*ck your Year, and Self Compassion became best-sellers. Faith Harper’s success however was not as immediate as most publishers, and most of the psychology community found her work distasteful. Via Google while searching for a publisher, Harper happened upon Microcosm publishing. She submitted her first manuscript called UnF*ck Your Brain. Within a month after being published, the book became a bestseller not only in microcosm but on Amazon as well, and it served as the nexus for her next five books. 

Harper has now published over 100 books and zines in Microcosm as she is now their best selling author. Harper’s vision of taking therapy and making it accessible to anyone has helped tens of thousands of people since the beginning of the pandemic. Her Unf*ck series is what inspired me to write and become a mental health advocate. Her series has also infiltrated the college campus. I hope that one day Dr. Harper transforms the word self-help into self-therapy.

Here is a link to all of her work: 

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