Wellness Wednesday #4

In the modern age of technology, it is hard to break free from the grasp that social media apps like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram can have on our daily lives. The time we spend scrolling often takes away from moments we could use for self-care and revitalization. While social media can be a valuable resource for keeping updated on friends' lives and discovering new trends, we are often distracted by the influencers and advertisement companies vying for our attention. Our attention is valuable, and influencers are paid for the time we spend enthralled with their content.

Recently, I began limiting the time I spend on social media. It can be challenging to reduce the time spent scrolling. However, filling the time I usually spend on social media with activities like creating art, skincare, and reading has left me feeling far more rejuvenated.

This Wellness Wednesday, I encourage you to devote some of the time you would spend scrolling social media to activities that make you feel cared for and revitalized.

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